It has been crazy lately. I am trying to buy a cradle off of that I think is just beautiful at a reasonable price. We have been trying to hook up since Thursday. It's been crazy. We keep missing each other and what not. We are going to try again. Here's a link , isn't it beautiful? Anyhow, I'll post some pics after I get it set up and adorned.
It's been snowing here lately, A LOT. I don't have any new pics, but it's happening every couple of days, at least an inch or two. It's keeping us busy. We are also having negative temps. It's not so bad as long as you don't have to, oh I don't know, stand outside with the world's dimmest dog who is chasing the cat across the street even though she's on a leash and not going
lol So there's that.
We came home from an outing the other day to find that the dryer had gone
ca put. Yikes! Seriously, we have six people and a baby on the way to do laundry for and I do not foresee it being fixed anytime really soon. Hopefully my
FIL will be coming over to look at it for us soon (I'm going to try to talk him into it tomorrow). He says it sounds like a belt. How nice would that be?!? If it's not, it won't be getting fixed/replaced until the end of January/
beginning of February. I guess it's not too bad, but I have infant clothes to wash and cloth diapers to prep. We hung a clothesline in the basement this evening. It should be warm down there because it's where the furnace is, but there's two broken windows down there and it's freezing down there!!
lol We are going to look into a dry rack or two tomorrow. I know that if I set it up in the shower and close the bathroom door that things will get dry pretty quick. I've never had a bathroom heat up so nicely before...... it makes me smile.
lol Anyhow, that is what we are up to these days. Hopefully I'll have some knitting progress to report on soon.