Pinterest. Isn't it everyone's new addiction? It is for me. I could spend(waste) hours rummaging through boards. It's great. Full of the most wonderful ideas. I like to think of myself as the creative type, but honestly, I could not have dreamed up half of the wonderfulness I have found on this site. I recommend everyone get an account right.a.way. If you need an invite, let me know.
I found these gems on there. Monkey pizza bread. Oh the yum! Just press pepperoni and a cube of mozzarella into pizza dough ball, close and bake the bunch. Oh.My.Gosh! Wonderful and filling. I didn't have the pizza dough laying around so I had to whip some up, but they were fast and yummy. Try them, today!! lol
Pinterest has also helped me find my knitting mojo again. Well, that and we are FINALLY having fall weather. It's all yucky and rainy today and I feel like doing a happy dance for it. Bring on the cold!! And the yummy, fibery goodness that is bound to come with it. I have been making cowls for the littles. One for Jay (not pictured, but red) and one for Miss M. She won't wear it, but wouldn't leave Jay's alone. Kids!! I'm working on a hat for Log right now and then on to the Monsteen.
We've moved. Again. It's totally a live altering move. I've had big plans and they have been....rearranged. I'm still me, though, so a lot of it will stay the same with a different location. You should keep your eyes open for what will be happening. So very much going on!
Have you seen that TLC show Extreme Couponing? Well, it has brought back a part of my life that I used to do many years ago. Couponing when you live in the middle of nowhere and you have exactly two stores to choose from and neither one are "down the street" makes it tiring and ridiculous. And not very productive. However, living here we have seven stores to choose from. Seven. This is really helping me to get hubby on board. I'm also learning how to do it right. Lots of work involved. It is important that I mention that how they do it on the show is not impossible, but really, really hard. And rare. And a lot of what happens there is regional based and done for the cameras. Anyone wanting to do this should keep realistic standards which is to save as much as possible and get as much for your money as you can. Don't cry or feel a failure if you don't get your whole cart for free. Here I go: ranting on when I had planned to just mention it. Well, that's enough for today. Within the next day or two I will post more on my methods and where I get my info. Stay tuned because that post will be PACKED with all sorts of goodness. Until then......