Friday, June 11, 2010


It's done! The new chicken tractor that I've been working on for a week is done! I could not be more excited. I have so much that needs to be done around here and I'm finally getting it done. Learning to work with a new baby, again, is proving to be difficult. I just can't seem to accept that I can't work on something for hours and get it done. She's getting better at letting me work now, at least.

Here's what we started with......

Here's what we had after day know, when I figured out that I had not bought enough wood to finish it, ugh. This is where it stayed for about 4-5days.

So, I had the kids take the old run apart. It was falling over anyways. And here we have it!!! Full of chickens even. Not too shabby. The tarp is to protect from the rain we are expecting. In a few days I will put the big girls in there so they can get usd to each other so I can start integrating the babies into the big coop.
We have started homeschooling these last few weeks. It's going.....slow. I'm doing a more laid back method so that maybe the kids won't notice that it's schoolwork. They just seem to be so opposed to learning. After watching us one day, hubby said that we should just homeschool them all permanently. I'm sure that's because he thought it looked so easy for me. It wasn't bad, but I feel like I need to become more organized to make it work better. We've been spuratic at best, but I want to start scheduling a M-W-F deal to help them get used to it. That way we can run our errands on T-Th or not at all. lol That's the problem that we are having: errands. That and I have been sleeping too late and other things need to be done. We have been concentrating mostly on reading. EX: Matt and I are reading the third book in the "A Series of Unfortunate Events" series. He reads X amount of pages to me. We write down the words that he doesn't understand and he then defines them using his dictionary. He is good about the reading part, not so good about the independent work part. Which means that we don't move on from there. We will keep trying. I also want to buy a book I've heard rave reviews about to help teach Ashlynn and Jay to read. I'll let you know when I get it. Logan is ahead of the curve in his class, but he still has to read out loud to me, from a chapter book. Then he has to summarize what we just read so that I can be sure that he's retaining it. I also found an online math program for k- 6 that is free. We will start that next week. Hubby and I will work on the history/social studies curriculum this weekend. It's still a work in progress.

1 comment:

  1. which online math program is that?

    tabitha reads a blog about an unschooled kid that has amazing writing skills. it is inspirational.
