Sunday, April 1, 2012

TV you HAVE to watch!

We have been watching a TON of documentaries on food lately and they have made a real impact on us and on our choices. I would like to recommend a few. If you haven't seen 'Food Inc.' you need to drop everything and see it today! It will at least spark you to write a few a few emails or change your buying habits. We also watched 'Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead". This one made us run out and buy a juicer, LOL. The deeper impact is that it made me realize that I really can get almost everything I need from vegetables. While I'm not doing a juice fast, I am incorporating fresh vege and fruit juice into my days and it is making a real impact. We watched 'Forks over Knives' and this one had a real impact on my husband. Cancer runs in his family in a big way and he took special note of the studies done linking meat and meat products to increases in disease and cancer. Next we watched "Engine 2 Diet' and it is done by the son of one of the doctors in Forks Over Knives. It inspired us to try new plant based, whole grain foods
without fear. Oh, and we bought his cookbook. LOL We also watched 'Food Matters' and while it wasn't our favorite, it was free and worth a watch. We learned a lot about super foods and some of what they said made a lot of sense to us. Now, all of those were free on Netflix so you aren't out anything but time if you watch them.
We rented two more from Zune that were really quite amazing. We watched 'Vegucated' and it was AMAZING! It showed how average people can be vegan or even vegetarian with little effort and it makes a big affect. It was moving, educational and enthralling. My five year old stated that he wasn't going to eat animals "ever again" after watching it with us. I felt the same way. We then watched 'Fresh' and we loved this one too. It isn't about being vegan or vegetarian. It IS about being more aware of your food choices and where they come from and how they get to your plate. It also advocates buying fresh and local. We found out that there is a store not too terribly far from our home that sells only local goods from small local farms. We are SO going as soon as we get the chance! How awesome is that?!?
Well, if you watch them all, you are out about twenty hours and less than ten dollars. I feel that they are all worth a watch whether leisurely or with purpose. Now, I have to run. I will leave you with this so very awesome, completely delicious, completely vegan pizza we had for dinner last night. Yum Yum Yum!!

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