Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Dealing With Behavior Issues

My five year old son is my easy child in school. I've been telling myself this for years this kid is smart as a whip, loves to learn, and has a vocabulary that rivals most teenagers. Imagine my surprise when he had problems the first day. And then the next. And then the next, and the next. Are you starting to see the problem?

Well, I've been communicating with his teacher and she is telling me (personally) everyday how he did. I made a chart to track his progress, and at the end of the week, if he was good everyday, he gets to pick out a toy at the dollar store.

I made the chart in OpenOffice using cute fonts, colors, and charts.

I bought a frame and stickers at the dollar store and voila!!! For roughly two dollars I have a chart that helps him visualize his progress and help keep motivated!!

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