Monday, December 19, 2011

Wow Wow Wubzy

Ever watch with amazement at the joy and wonderment of a toddler? We are at that awesome stage where she thinks that everything is so cool! It's a good reminder to cherish every moment. They are fleeting. Enjoy my amazing little miss!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Sewing fun

I've been spending a lot of time on pinterest. I find so much inspiration there. I've also been clocking my points over at , which you should so head over and do if you are not already. I recently earned a $10 Starbucks gift card. I'm halfway to another gift card and I'm going to make it Staples so that I don't have to pay for new inserts for my planner. Anyhow, today I want to share my awesome coin purse that I made last night.

It was lots of fun and a little trying at times. The red line is my bakcstitching. I'm still learning to sew and my hand sewing is very atrocious but I figure I will only get better with practice. You should run over and check out this amazing tute! Talk about step by step instructions to help you create a unique and cute little goodie for you or someone who is special to you. All of my younger littles have requested one, which I knew would happen and planned accordingly. I'm also thinking that I could whip out a few for Christmas.

Maybe I'll do a little step-by-step with the next one I make. You know, so those of us with a LOT less sewing skills than the goddess who originally made this might have a more fighting shot.